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I really appreciate you breaking the ice!

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Josh Quigley
World Record Cyclist

Working with Alan Bonner changed my life.

I was a guy who had a lot of problems when we first met, Alan helped me assume personal responsibility over my life and taught me to dream BIG.

Alan helped me believe that it was possible to have, do or be anything I wanted in life. I wouldn't be the man I am today, without Alan Bonner.

Stephan Jensen
Proctor Gallagher Institute

I have Alan as my mentor, coach, sparring partner and now as a personal friend.

Alan has seen tremendous success with his own businesses and therefore always provides valuable suggestions and questions that trigger reflection. On top of that he is simply a very nice and likable guy that is doing his utmost in order to help me. Also, he has a great sense of humour which I really enjoy.

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