Sales Funnel Value Calculator:

Calculate CLV, Cost per Customer, and Optimise Your Marketing Strategy.

Alan Bonner

Over 30 Years of Experience, Knowledge and Expertise

Alan has been seen on NBC, ABC, CBS, E! Entertainment and FOX affiliates around the USA.
And his philosophies have been featured in Forbes magazine.

What Is a Sales Funnel Value Calculator?

The Sales Funnel Value Calculator is a powerful tool designed to help businesses accurately calculate Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), cost per lead, and optimise their sales funnel for maximum efficiency.

If you're looking to improve your sales funnel conversion rates and boost your marketing ROI, this tool is perfect for you.

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Our Sales Funnel Value Calculator helps you identify key metrics within your sales process, such as lead-to-appointment conversion rates and appointment show-up rates.

By analysing these factors, you can calculate the true Cost per Customer (CAC) and adjust your marketing strategy for better results.

Whether you're a business owner, entrepreneur, or marketer, this tool gives you actionable insights to optimise your sales funnel and increase your profitability.

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Why Use the Sales Funnel Value Calculator?

For businesses looking to calculate the cost of customer acquisition and track the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, this tool provides a clear breakdown of where your sales funnel is performing and where it's falling short.

By using the Sales Funnel Value Calculator, you can:

Accurately calculate your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) to understand the long-term value of each customer.

Determine your Cost per Lead and Cost per Customer to see how much you're spending to acquire new clients.

Identify weak points in your funnel, such as low appointment show-up rates or poor lead-to-sale conversions.

Optimise your sales funnel for higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

Improve your overall marketing ROI by calculating key sales funnel metrics.

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How to Calculate CLV and Sales Funnel Metrics

The Sales Funnel Value Calculator is easy to use. Simply enter key data points, such as your average purchase value, the number of customers, and appointment-to-sale conversion rates.

The tool will then generate your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and help you track the effectiveness of your funnel. Whether you need to calculate your lead-to-sale conversion rate or analyze your appointment show-up rate, our tool provides all the insights you need to fine-tune your marketing strategy.

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How Does This Tool Benefit Your Business?

By using our Sales Funnel Optimisation Tool, you can make data-driven decisions to improve the efficiency of your sales process. Calculating the cost per customer and analysing your sales funnel performance will allow you to:

Increase profitability by reducing unnecessary marketing costs.

Track and improve the appointment show-up rate to ensure more qualified leads convert into sales.

Maximize the return on your marketing investment by focusing on the strategies that deliver the best results.

Grow your business by making smarter marketing and sales decisions based on real data.

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Getting Started with the Sales Funnel Calculator

Ready to optimise your sales funnel and increase your customer lifetime value? Start using our Sales Funnel Value Calculator today to calculate your CLV, Cost per Customer, and lead conversion rates.

This tool provides the insights you need to drive higher conversions, increase revenue, and take your business to the next level.

The Sales Funnel Value Calculator:

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

The number of customers currently in your business or the target you want to reach.

The average revenue from one customer per month.

The average number of months a customer continues buying from your business.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) = 0

CLV is calculated as: APV × Customer Lifespan (in months).

Value of Customer Base = 0

Value of Customer Base is calculated as: Number of Customers × CLV.

Sales Funnel Metrics

The cost of each click in your paid advertising campaigns.
The percentage of website visitors (clicks) who convert into leads. (Example: 5% or 0.05).
The percentage of leads who book appointments or move to the next stage of your funnel.
The percentage of people who actually attend the appointments they booked.
The percentage of actual attendees that turn into sales.


Cost per Lead (£ $ €) = 0
CPL is calculated as: CPC ÷ (Click-to-Lead Conversion Ratio ÷ 100).

Cost per Appointment (£ $ €) = 0
Cost per Appointment is calculated as: Cost per Lead ÷ (Lead-to-Appointment Conversion Ratio ÷ 100).

(CAC) Cost per Customer (£ $ €) = 0
Cost per Customer is calculated as: Cost per Appointment ÷ (Appointment-to-Sale Conversion Ratio ÷ 100).

Profit Margin
(CLV - Cost per Customer) (£ $ €) =
Profit Margin is calculated as: Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) - Cost per Customer.


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Josh Quigley
World Record Cyclist

Working with Alan Bonner changed my life.

I was a guy who had a lot of problems when we first met, Alan helped me assume personal responsibility over my life and taught me to dream BIG.

Alan helped me believe that it was possible to have, do or be anything I wanted in life. I wouldn't be the man I am today, without Alan Bonner.

Stephan Jensen
Proctor Gallagher Institute

I have Alan as my mentor, coach, sparring partner and now as a personal friend.

Alan has seen tremendous success with his own businesses and therefore always provides valuable suggestions and questions that trigger reflection. On top of that he is simply a very nice and likable guy that is doing his utmost in order to help me. Also, he has a great sense of humour which I really enjoy.

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